The Result
My goal was to create something straight-to-the-point. With a limited amount of words, the design had to quickly catch the viewers eye. The custom-drawn illustrator was meant to visualize the possibilities of the donate. Within the illustration, it is meant to educate the public that sending items, such as food and clothing, does not provide the immediate relief that happens when one donates money. Money is instant and will be help everyone get the items that they need faster. This PSA entry was created for Independent Study at the University of Baltimore, Spring 2023.
The Process
PSAid is a nationwide, annual contest that calls for all Public Service Announcement design entries to help illustrate on why monetary donations are the more effective way to support international disaster relief. The contest was divided into three groups: Static Image, Digital Image, and Video. The main purpose was to inform others about how to contribute to international disasters and the best form of donation.